LM First Robotics Competition

June 1 – 30, 2017

Overview: Collaborated with a diverse engineering group (EE, SE, ME) to construct a winning semi-autonomous push-bot at Lockheed Martin Robotic Competition. The competition’s goal was to collect as many balls as possible in a set time and move small the balls to objective points to score. The competition was a knock-out head-to-head matchup. Each match-up started with an autonomous stage where the robot would have to operate without user control (Ours was the best in that segment 😁). We got second place but few got very close! It was a fun project that made missing sleep worth it! Core features:

Christones Michel

Christones Michel

lego, star wars, toys-2539844.jpg
Blog Test # 6
Blog Test # 5
Blog Test # 4.5
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

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